
Setam deck
Setam deck

setam deck

The Steam Deck is an imperfect Trojan horse into your gaming life, but I think if Valve continues to support it, the handheld PC might convert the next wave of people into impulse Steam sale purchasers. The Steam Deck is the clearest flex yet of Valve’s wallet, control of the PC gaming space, and technical prowess. It's the ideal marriage of hardware and software, where with a little work, most of the games I want to play are a download (and some control tweaks) away. The Steam Deck simply gives me front-row access to it. No, Valve’s best product is still the Steam storefront. But the Switch is still smaller and lighter in the hand, more approachable, cheaper, and readily available for purchase. Valve’s created a really impressive handheld Linux PC, and thanks to custom chips and software tricks, it can play most things your gaming PC can.

setam deck

It didn’t happen because I necessarily think the Steam Deck is the better piece of physical hardware. Without even meaning to, I pretty much replaced my Nintendo Switch with the Steam Deck.

Setam deck